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Walking the (coaching) walk

This blog is following up on my brief FaceBook live this morning. It is such a beautiful day and I was out for a walk, phone in hand...

So I thought it would be a great opportunity to tell you that now we are allowed to meet outside with another person, (socially distant) why not think about having a coaching walk and talk?

How does it work?

You contact me and we arrange to meet by the cafe at the Water Tower. we chose a route that avoids cyclists, joggers and any kite flying or football, usually ending up back at the cafe where we started.

How long does a consultation last?

The consultation will last around 30 - 45 minutes. It is a chance to find out what is on your mind, what you are looking to achieve from coaching and if indeed coaching is the right thing for you. Sometimes it is not. Sometimes you may feel that you have deeper issues in the past to resolve before moving forward.

How much does a consultation cost?

It is free. No charge. If you want to make sure if you committed to coaching here's the time to decide.

Being outside away from the office changes thinking quite a bit. A talk with someone side by side is not the same as face to face.

How long does a coaching session last?

A coaching session lasts an hour. It allows you to review what you have done and thought about about from the previous session and to set intentions or perhaps just clarify your thinking around something that has come up.

Clarify thinking? What do you mean?

Well let's say one of your goals from a previous session was to write down your goals and put them somewhere you can see them. However since we last saw each other you have completely changed your mind on what they are! It happens! You can reassess what your goals and aims are. Maybe you were not digging deep enough, maybe you hadn't thought how they would manifest themselves. A chance to reflect and clarify.


Since we last spoke a job offer has come your way that you never anticipated and you need to put this on the table (so to speak). What now?

Do I need to write anything down?

Up to you! Although not quite so easy while walking and talking. We can sit on a bench if you'd like or you can take time to make notes after the session.

What happens after the session?

I will normally email you with a very brief bullet point style summary. It really is brief. More a memory jogger than a long written summary. Or if you prefer me not to, that's OK too.

It's raining? Are you still working?

Oh yes! Unless of course it is that sideways rain that will leave you so drenched that you can't think! Bring a brolly. Or a good coat and shoes!

Thunder and lightning?

Definitely NOT! Same if there are high winds.

I can't imagine how coaching will work when I'm walking. I like to sit at a desk and have a meeting. That's how meetings work.

Being outside away from the office changes thinking quite a bit. A talk with someone side by side is not the same as face to face. If you have young children/teenagers think about how your conversation is different in the car. Side by side. Less eye contact. Here's a great TED talk by Nilofer Merchant on the benefits of a walk.

Secondly it is good for the soul to be outside in the fresh air. There is something about the wide open space that opens your mind and frees your thoughts. Spring this year has just been beautiful too. Putting yourself in a green and pleasant environment is a very good thing to do for yourself.

If you're all zoomed out and longing to get away from a screen and get into the great outdoors whilst still actively goal setting, do get in touch!

t 07501817739


By the way this is comfrey. I did not know until today although have seen it many times. Apparently it makes a brilliant fertiliser if you soak it. But it smells awful!!

The excellent Picture This app helped me to identify it.

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