Firstly this is more of an update than a blog but there are a few key things you might be able to take away from it!
Just before Christmas, as I mentioned in a previous blog, my Mum died. She was one heck of a woman: resilient and strong willed to the very (sad) end. Since then, as a naturally reflective person, I've been interested in my response to things, both everyday and connected with Mum's death. I've learnt a few things and been reminded of others. You could even say I've taken my own advice!
'Know when you've reached your edge and it's enough.'
Getting outside in the cold is the best thing to do. Especially when it looks like this
In the hardest of times and darkest of hours, somewhere in side you (me) there was a bit left in the tank to do what you had to do.
Life and other associated stuff just carries on - it doesn't have an agenda it just happens. The late bus has no agenda to make you more miserable and best not to make it seem like that.
Breathing is unbelievably powerful to help control strong surges of emotion, particularly when you exhale for a count or two more than you inhale e.g.inhale for 3, exhale for 4
Nurturing something living is good for the soul - think small - a plant , taking the dog for a walk.
Just keep going, gently, slowly at your pace towards the goal - I am on Day 15 of the 30 Day Yoga with Adriene - she has already reached Day 30 (of 30). It doesn't matter. I'm accountable to myself and happy with where I am.
Applying for probate seemed very scary. It wasn't that bad especially if you do it slowly with care, ask questions and take the pressure off yourself. We as humans can do hard things.
Make time to do the good stuff.
As my lovely, in person yoga teacher Vittoria says: 'Know when you've reached your edge and it's enough.'
That goes for knowing when its time to leave the party, say no to another drink, go to bed early or whatever else may be construed as 'boring'
Change your view. Go and be somewhere else for a while if you can to shift perspective. Look at a different landscape, change your photos or pictures on the wall/desk/work space.
Give it all time. Plenty of time.
We can be our own very wise counsels, so perhaps it's time I was my own.
It is a joy to say today is Imbolc. That mid point between the winter solstice and Spring equinox. Also the first official day of Spring.