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Nicola Shelley

Need to Offload?

Calling NHS Front Line Workers

Are you, or do you know, a key NHS or front line worker who is finding it very tough at the moment?

Would you like some time and space to ‘decompress’ and offload?

Are you finding it hard to talk about your day with close family and friends but still need to get stuff off your chest?

I’m an experienced life coach, trainer in coaching and listening skills and an N.L.P. Practitioner wishing to offer some support to our NHS workers on a pro-Bono level.

More on NLP here

My offer:

I am offering 4 people, 4 hours each of ‘decompression and listening time’ for free.


  • Because I’m an excellent listener. It may be you just need to be heard and get rid of all the stuff that’s going on in your head.

  • Because while I can stand on my doorstep and applaud your efforts and strength, I think being listened to without any prejudice or judgment might be what you need.

  • Because sometimes coming home and sharing this with family or close friends is too much for them to take on as well.

The details:

Each person has 4 hours over mutually agreed period of time.

There is no charge for this.

It will be via Skype/Zoom or phone.

If you’re Bristol based, when we can, we could walk and on the Downs.

All conversations are strictly confidential.


t: 07501817739

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