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A framework for thinking- New Year's resolutions

A blog for those of you who find New Year and New Year’s resolutions an unwelcome challenge.

A new year, a new start? Many of us start the New Year with great intentions and think of plans and ideas for the New Year and resolutions! In my experience, resolutions are frequently made in a hurry with no real structure behind them. Often at midnight, as those bells chime, people mutter resolutions in haste. Worse still, there is often an element of self castigation in there: I must get fitter, lose weight , be happier, work harder, work less, see my family more, socialise more etc. It is these kinds of resolutions that really don’t last because there has not been enough thought behind them. And, more importantly, little consideration of the person involved – i.e. you! If working less is a resolution, what plans have you made to do so? What does 'be happier and worry less' look like?

January is not necessarily the best month to start either - dark days (although admittedly getting lighter) don't add that required boost of daylight to a new start.

So far, I admit, this doesn't sound promising for those of you wanting to make changes! However help is at hand! Making a change for the better at any time of year is a good thing and to be encouraged and embraced. What you might benefit from, is a framework for thinking ideas through.

In life there are many planning devices and tools; spreadsheets for accounts, business plan templates, fitness planners, diet planners etc. However it is often hard for us to think our personal new year plan through independently without some kind of framework. The good news is coaching can help. It puts you and your needs at the centre, makes sure that your plan aligns with your values and offers a chance to check in on a regular basis to see how you are progressing.

If you’ve already thrown your New Year's resolutions out of the window and would like help in getting it right this year do get in touch!


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