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Not yet...

Not yet…


This blog is about the value of answering 'not yet' as opposed to no.

Over 20 years ago I made a huge decision to leave the beautiful south coast city of Brighton, home for over 15 years, to go and live and work in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was a big adventure and one of the best things I have ever done. The first few weeks held many new experiences not least of which was learning to speak some basic Bahasa Indonesian. That in itself was interesting. The language was easy to read, say and grasp quickly. Let’s be honest though, I wasn’t speaking high society level Bahasa Indonesian – just the basic stuff. I learnt to say the word frog (kodok) before I knew how to say door (pintu) and I learnt that we Brits say thank you a lot more than we realise!

Very quickly I came across the word 'belum' which means not yet. I could not believe how often I used this word and heard it said. Now 20 odd years later I am still impressed by it! It had various nuances. If you were on the beach and weren’t interested in buying a sarong/pineapple/fish supper/trip snorkelling you could say belum and the vendors would smile and walk away. It was an accepted and polite way of saying no. Apart from that it also meant I may do it, I haven't dismissed it as a possibility.

Often we say no when actually not yet would work just as well – if not better. Saying not yet has a strong implication that you could do it. One of the things that particularly interests me is the way we use language and the effect it has on what we think and do.

For example: Have you tried water skiing/abseiling/tap dancing/hula hooping/reading War and Peace etc…

Not yet.

And in answer to the question:

‘Nicola, have you found a suitable venue for your taster sessions and day courses in Bristol aimed at teachers?

‘Not yet.’

I’m on it!

If you would like the freedom to say ‘not yet’ and open up possibilities do get in touch!

T 07501817739

Know a suitable place for up to 16 people in Bristol that is light, airy and near or in one of Bristol’s wonderful coffee shops? I'd love to hear from you!

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