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Nicola Shelley

Leaving Well- what do you mean?

I thought it would be a good idea to have a few FAQ on the event Leaving Well which is happening soon - 5th or 12th December 2020.

What is it all about?

I've designed this short session, full of impact around leaving the old year, 2020 behind. Let's face it there have been challenges! My belief is that if you 'leave well' you don't end up carrying around toxic baggage for years afterwards. Whatever it is you are leaving be it job, the old year, a relationship, a house, leave well. It means you are more open to new ideas because the old ones that no longer serve you will have been put to rest. I have pulled strongly on personal experience here, although rest assured, you will not be forced to listen to my story!

Who is it for?

Anyone who would like to feel a sense of making amends and tying up the loose ends of the year. If this year has made you uncomfortable, challenged you in ways you never knew existed it's for you. If you'd like to go into 2021 with a feeling of calm and having made peace with it (2020) and yourself.

It's not for you...

  • If you have had a bereavement this year and it is still at the forefront of your mind. Coaching is not the right therapy/intervention here. Sorry :(

  • You are looking for group therapy. Yes, there is chance to talk and share thoughts but it is not about opening up your soul to others.

What do I need to bring?

An open mind and heart - always good!

A notebook and pen or some way to capture thoughts from the session.

What will it be like?

It will be run rather like a coaching session - lots of open ended questions for you to fill in the blanks, although there will be some discussion opportunities too.

Will I have to participate?

Oh yes please! However you are not required to speak in front of a group unless you want to and I'm planning a short 'breakout pairs'

So no free-form expressive dance then?

Nope. Not my style.

How much is it?

The tickets are available via Eventbrite and they are £19.50 plus a small administrative fee. It costs less than a couple of bottles of wine and will probably leave you feeling more clear headed! It also makes a great gift. No waste, no packaging, and can be reused year after year.

I'm still not sure if it's for me...

OK - why not give me a call if you like 07501817739 or email me on

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